We have many years of experience in the development and operation of comprehensive ICT solutions.
Our certified experts have many years of experience in the development and operation of complex ICT solutions, and therefore we can guarantee high quality, optimal total cost of ownership (TCO) and also professional support after the solution is put into operation.
Pre našich klientov proaktívne prichádzame s inovatívnymi nápadmi a pomáhame pri optimalizačných aktivitách. Vytvárame prototypy riešení podľa požiadaviek našich zákazníkov.
Máme certifikovaný tím, ktorý dokáže zabezpečiť služby v klasifikovanom prostredí, ktoré dokážeme poskytovať nielen na Slovensku, ale aj v zahraničí. K našim významným klientom patria orgány štátnej správy a samosprávy, telekomunikační operátori, banky, poisťovne a podniky sieťových odvetví.
We base our provision of quality consulting services on:
We advise our clients at
proposing solutions in the areas.
Our proposals are used by companies with different scopes. They most often operate in the following industries.
Implementation of complex information systems
Integration platforms
IT infrastructure
Business Process Optimization (BPM)
Cyber security and security audit
Operating cost optimization
Own products and services
Cloud services
Use of products of our technological partners
Do you also want to become our partner and provide your clients with services and products from our portfolio?
Take advantage of the integration of our products within the solution.
Take advantage of the possibility of integrating our products with your information system to achieve its maximum potential. All our solutions are fully compatible with our products. If you are interested in learning more about the possibilities of our products, visit the product pages.